Saturday, April 29, 2006

Craniopagus Parasiticus

This little girl Egyptian Girl is Manar Maged. She suffered a rare birth defect called Carniopagus Parasiticus. A rare birth defect where the embryo begins to split into an identical twin but the process is not completed leaving the other twin basically in an unfinished state. Dear Manar did have a separation operation (which was successful) but later died of a brain infection.
Her unfinished twin still blinked, smiled, looked around and slept independant of her sister. She had a fully functional second brain. This is a very rare birth defect and Manar is the only case to have survived the operation up until the brain infection.


Anonymous said...

Bizarre, amazing, sad.


SinDee said...

That pretty much sums it up...

Anonymous said...

this was very sad im sooo sorry very amazing also bizarre

Anonymous said...

its no fucking sad just look at the picture and look at the little motha fucking head he just sittin there bumming all blood from the other guy him and his little mouth that slobbers what a prick think about it would u want a blood sucking head that was killing you stuck to your head?

Anonymous said...

This 'picture' is an obvious fake. Take it into photoshop and look at the channels, you'll see what I mean. I love funny pictures but please, only real ones.

Anonymous said...

Whoever said these pictures are fake, please see British tv documentary "Bosy shoking" and do search Google about Manar...Poor little girl :-(

Anonymous said...

this is not a bloody fake picture im watching the documentary of it now you geek-think u no it all! these things do happen in the world and the poor lil girl died- have some respect for the family

Anonymous said...

Uh. Not wrong.
Just looks like a painful birth.

..How upsetting must it be to see your child, and in your mind think 'OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?' and not be able to shout it--just grin and bare it.

I don't know if I could handle it. I'd have to admit to somene that my kid was ugly and the 'other head' creeped me out.

money said...

Unfortunately, this picture is not a fake and this syndrome (craniopagus parasiticus) is real. There is an episode on Mystery Diagnosis about it. It show on The Learnig Channel

Anüs~ said...

I can't believe you say that.What does parasitic means I mean .The other girl (you call it creepy ) is human as well.She has brain , she could breathe , feel , cry and smile..if you say parasitic twin , that thing must be an heartless bitch.They should't seperated them.

Anonymous said...

It was a parasite, the 2nd head was leaching the blood from Manar and was killing her by making her have heart failure. They had to separate them to try to save Manar. It was a rare birth, only 10 in the world known.

Unknown said...

Hooooly Sh*t...dat kid's f*cked up for GOOD...wahahahaaaaa! :))

Anonymous said...

Manar couldn't of gone through life like this.Too much for anyone too handle.

The other poor little soul should be gently put to sleep. Nature screwed up badly.

They did the right thing, I think. The little half twin should have been acknowelged and loved too, after all she WAS a person with a brain, and it would be horrendously painful to euthanase her,but euthanase her they had to, her condition was not compatible with life.
God bless.

Fabrizio said...

Hope God will save her

Gladys said...

I think it is incrediably sad. The second twin to be thought of as a parasite. She did not choose the life she was born with. Yes, her life unfortunately was costing little Manar her life. It definately should have been removed, but not be referred to as a parasite. She is human as well. I hope they are both in Heaven watching over their family.

Anonymous said...

Yes this is real, the actual drama video is here:

Anonymous said...

"parasite" or "parasitic" is medical terminology from the Greek "parasitos" which means "eating at (someone's) side, as at the same table" or in other words "eating while next to someone". It is not a derogatory term but a descriptive one.

Anonymous said...

I saw a documentory about Manar. Her twin died becuase she did not have a heart lungs or any organ for that matter. I think it is sad. But on the bright side in the 1700s, a boy lived to be 4 with craniopaugas pasitacus intill he died of a snake bite. Also, Gladys, a parisite is a organisome that uses anouther life form to survive and may harm the used. The twin used manar's blood to survive. She just happens to fall into the paracitic catergory.

Anonymous said...

its sooooo sad.i heard about this malformation and there are only 10 cases around the world.only 3 survied at the birth.i know its bizarre,but the poor girls (i they survied)cant have a chance,because the brains are attached too.and for the ones who are joking here:please ,tell me would you like to be like that and see al this bad comments!?i dont think so

Anonymous said...

the kid on top is soo much cuter... if they should kill anyone... i hope nobody..but the girl with legs

Anonymous said...

erm fyi the twin had organs, just not the major organs to keep you living. she had skin, eyes and a brain! I really feel for the family that had to make the decision to remove the extra head.

Anonymous said...

If you' re going to make comments like that at least get your facts right. The parasitic twin could not have lived independantly of her sister. Absolutely impossible. She had no lungs for a start and nothing else below the neck. Unless of course you know of a way of breathing without lungs.

Anonymous said...

As it stated in the article it was an underdeveloped parasitic twin. Meaning it didn't have the rest of it's body developed. Also, this is not photoshopped. This is a real condition called craniophagus parasiticus and it happens because of defects that occur during gastrulation. Stay in school, people!